Natural Interconnectedness
A series of artistic explorations on Radiolaria.
From simple observations under the light microscope to 3D models and screen prints.
This series of explorations have been created using 3D design softwares (1st image top left) and screen printing techniques (all the other images). The different images from Radiolaria (single celled marine organisms) have been captured by looking at these under the light microscope at the World Museum Liverpool. These images have then been converted onto digital files to be able to use them on screen prints. I have playfully created different artworks, by using different effects and changing the layout as well as super imposing different species.
I have really enjoyed looking at Radiolaria under the microscope and discovering the different patterns and shapes within them. These organisms bridge the gap between art and science, and the gap between reason and imagination. They inform about the complex nature some organisms have but also, produce a sense of awe when discovering they are only single-celled marine organisms.